代表性科研论文 1. Xuemei Han, Hangwei Hu, Qinglin Chen, Liyuan Yang, Helian Li, Yongguan Zhu, Xiangzhen Li, Yibing Ma. Antibiotic resistance genes and associated bacterial communities in agricultural soils amended with different sources of animal manures. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018, 126: 91–102. 2. Xuemei Han, Hangwei Hu, Xiuzhen Shi, Limei Zhang, Jizheng He. Effects of different agricultural wastes on the dissipation of PAHs and the PAH-degrading genes in a PAH-contaminated soil[J]. Chemosphere, 2017, 172: 286-293. 3. Xuemei Han, Hangwei Hu, Xiuzhen Shi, Juntao Wang, Lili Han, Deli Chen, Jizheng He. Impacts of reclaimed water irrigation on soil antibiotic resistome in urban parks of Victoria, Australia[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2016, 211: 48-57. 4. Xuemei Han, Yurong Liu, Limei Zhang, Jizheng He. Insight into the Modulation of Dissolved Organic Matter on Microbial Remediation of PAH-Contaminated Soils[J]. Microbial Ecology, 2015, 70: 400-410. 5. Xuemei Han, Chen Cheng, Qingxia Duan, Hui Wang, Xiwei Li, Donghao Wei, Rui Zhang and Helian Li. The Effects of Agricultural Wastes on Degradation of PAHs and Abundance of Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria and Archaea in Soils. International Symposium on Material, Energy and Environment Engineering (ISM3E 2015):308-311. 6. Xuemei Han, Yurong Liu, Yuanming Zheng, Xiaoxia Zhang, Jizheng He. Response of bacterial pdo1, nah, and C12O genes to aged soil PAH pollution in a coke factory area[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21(16): 9754-9763. 7. Xuemei Han, Mingliang Zhang, Su Liu. Research on the relationship of economic growth and environmental pollution in Shandong province based on environmental Kuznets curve[J]. Energy Procedia. 2011(5): 508-512. 8. Xuemei Han, Renqing Wang, Weihua Guo, Xugui Pang, Juan Zhou, Qiang Wang, Jincheng Zhan, Jierui Dai. Soil Microbial Community Response to Land Use and Various Soil Elements in A City Landscape of North China[J]. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011, 10(73): 16554-16565. 9. Xuemei Han, Liyuan Yang, Lihua Mao. Study on Sustainable Development of Shandong Province - Based on Ecological Footprint and Human Development Index from 2002 to 2007. International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science and Computer Engineering. Wuhan, China. Mar. 2010(Volume Ⅰ): 459-462. 10. Xuemei Han, Jinghua Shi. Evaluation on sustainable development of Jinan city based on ecological footprint and human development index. International Research Conference of Resources Utilization and Environmental Effectiveness. Linyi, China. Dec. 2009: 460-466. 11. Xuemei Han, Renqing Wang, Jian Liu, Mengcheng Wang, Juan Zhou, Weihua Guo. Effects of vegetation type on soil microbial community structure and catabolic diversity assessed by polyphasic methods in North China[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2007, 19(10):1228-1234. 12. Xuemei Han, Weihua Guo, Renqing Wang, Mengcheng Wang. Microbial communities in microcosm soils treated with battery waste[J]. Progress in Natural Science, 2007, 17(8): 919-926. 13. 韩雪梅, 郭卫华, 周娟, 张淑萍, 王仁卿*. 土壤微生物生态学研究中的非培养方法[J]. 生态科学, 2006, 25(1): 87-90. |